I've always had a dream of writing and illustrating a picture book. There are so many steps and so many hands to bring something like this to print. A tiny idea turned into something quite special. So many hurtles and detours along the way, but I wouldn't change a thing, because this little book is my dream come true. The Morning We Met will forever be my favourite thing I created in my little studio.
This is a sweet story about all of the different ways that babies come to their parents. Whatever your story of becoming a parent looks like, I hope this book touches your heart and rekindles the magic that was the first moment you met your babies.
The Morning We Met
​Inside every copy of the “Artists’ Edition” of The Morning We Met, the reader will discover two full-colour 8”x8” frameable prints of my large scale acrylic paintings that are featured in the story, a full-colour 8”x8” print of the cover art and five 5"x7" prints of my most popular paintings.

View the animated version of my book below

The Morning We Met Text and illustrations copyright 2022 by Emily Howard. First published in 2022 by Pownal Street Press. Editing by Mo Duffy Cobb | Copyediting by Lori Mayne | Typesetting and prepress by Jordan Beaulieau | Author and artwork photography by Katherine Eye Design + Photography | Book design by Katherine Eye Design + Photography and Emily Howard | Jacket Illustrations by Emily Howard
Video Animation by A Searle Art & Design Co